Avengers: Endgame - 10 Shocking MCU Cameos We Could Get

3. The Eternals

Jack Kirby Eternals
Marvel Comics/Jack Kirby

We are getting The Eternals in Phase 4. Nobody was really expecting this when it was announced but, regardless, it’s happening and it signifies a brave direction for the MCU.

More interestingly than their mere presence though is how quickly Marvel moved to cast the roles, and reports dating as far back as November even indicate that they’d not only already found the right people for the parts, but that they may have already filmed scenes for them.

How these are just rumours but given that DC are pushing ahead with their New Gods project it makes sense for Marvel to beat them to the punch. Both concepts come from Jack Kirby and feature broadly similar narrative strokes so if they can be introduced somewhere in Endgame (even if it’s just a tease of the end credits) then they likely will be.

Then of course there were those Angelina Jolie rumours...

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