Avengers: Endgame - 25 WTF Moments

2. Gamora LIVES?! (And The Asgardians Of The Galaxy)

Avengers Infinity War Gamora
Marvel Studios

Wait... is Gamora still alive? Where on Earth (or otherwise) is she?

At the end of the movie, we get the genius set-up for the Asgardians Of The Galaxy that reinstates Thor to his Guardians position that was so successful and so rewarding in Infinity War. That in itself is shocking, but even more so is the fact that Guardians Vol 3 seems to be about the quest for Gamora.

That's teased by the fact that she just flat-out disappears at the end of the movie rather than being dusted by Tony Stark's snap and by Peter Quill searching for her secretly on his computer screen. But, hang on, if she wilfully disappeared when confronted with the reality that she is in love with Star-Lord in the future, shouldn't she maybe just be left alone rather than him chasing her acorss the universe?

Isn't that sort of thing what got Chris Pratt in trouble in Passengers?


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