Avengers: Endgame - 25 WTF Moments

22. 1000 Light Years In 2 Days

Avengers Endgame Tony Stark

So when Iron Man is trapped in space with Nebula, his voice over states that it is day 21 and times are getting rough. In actual fact, Stark is on the verge of death when we meet him and if it wasn't for the hail mary save by Captain Marvel, he'd have been a goner. She gets them back to Earth by day 23 and everyone is fine and dandy.

There are two things here that make absolutely no sense. Firstly, Stark says the ship is stranded a "thousand light years from the nearest 7-eleven," which suggests that Captain Marvel somehow travelled a thousand light years in less than two days. Yes, the ship has a jump drive, but the ship is also disabled and if you're going to say that Marvel simply uses her own powers to charge the ship up, then why does she literally carry the ship on her back? Are they trying to say she's that fast? If so, then why not ever say it before?!

And then there's the fact that Tony says that their oxygen is set to run out the next day. So while a two-day rescue is impressively swift, it wouldn't have done any good. Unless Tony held his breath for a whole day?


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