Avengers: Endgame - Every Oscar It Deserves To Win

5. Best Director(s)

Avengers Endgame
Marvel Studios

Helming any project with this many characters is daunting enough on its own.

Add to that the immeasurable excitement of fans, the enormity of the battle sequences, and the small task of wrapping up a twenty two movie-long narrative and you've got a gargantuan amount of pressure to stack on just one director.

Luckily for Marvel, they had two.

The Russo Brothers are no strangers to the magnitude of Marvel's movies, having directed two of Captain America's entries in to the MCU in The Winter Soldier and Civil War (which was essentially Avengers 2.5), and of course directing last year's Avengers: Infinity War.

And yet, with their latest directorial masterclass, they have shown that they can handle multiple moving parts and story strands with finesse.

Now with the highest grossing movie of all time under their belts, the relative unknowns that directed Community's paintball episodes are now household names; and deservedly so.

What finer way to congratulate the fine work of these two brothers than to nominate them for the most coveted directing award in the business?


Scriptwriting - BA Producing - MA Article-based online influence - TBD