Avengers: Infinity War - 10 Biggest Moments Of Foreshadowing

5. The Avengers Coming Back Together After The Helicarrier Infighting (The Avengers)

In 2012's The Avengers, audiences were given their first taste of beef between the titular heroes. In addition to an early physical exchange between Iron Man, Captain America and Thor, the entire team had a verbal exchange on board the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier - although it was thanks, in part, to the nefarious influence of Loki's sceptre (which, of course, we now know contained the Mind Stone). Right in the middle of this aggressive verbal exchange, the army Loki had gathered - which included the Avengers' own Hawkeye in a mind-controlled state - attacked the Helicarrier, damaging its engines, and boarded it to launch an assault on the superhero team. In spite of the fact that they had just been having a war of words, the adversity created by the attack immediately brought them back together. This was a small-scale version of what will occur after the events in Captain America: Civil War, when the team will have to reform after fighting each other in order to combat a much more dangerous and powerful threat - the one posed by the Mad Titan Thanos as he wields the Infinity Gauntlet in the Avengers: Infinity War movies.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.