Avengers: Infinity War - 14 Plot Hints You Might Have Missed
8. Captain Marvel May Appear

There's been a ton of back-and-forth in recent months over whether or not Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) will actually appear in Infinity War. She's not officially on the casting docket, though Josh Brolin did recently speak of filming scenes opposite Larson without specifying which movie they were being shot for, again rousing hope she might make a secret appearance.
What's most likely is that Captain Marvel will appear in a post-credits scene in order to hype up her solo movie due out next year, because that just makes perfect business sense.
If - and it's a big if - Captain Marvel in fact shows up during Infinity War's epic finale, it'll certainly be one of the MCU's best-kept surprises, short of Brolin accidentally spilling the beans, of course.