Avengers: Infinity War - 6 Times Infinity Stones Looked REALLY Weak In The MCU

4. The Tesseract Needs Help

The Avengers Tesseract
Marvel Studios

The opening exposition dump sequence of The Avengers is a necessary evil, but it's got some pretty odd little details to it including Hawkeye sitting up in his nest, Selvig calling the Tesseract "she" repeatedly and Loki somehow being able to use the Tesseract despite not being in possession of it.

Most confusingly, Hawkeye somehow manages to explain the Tesseract, despite being an assassin and not an astrophysicist like Selvig. He tells Fury about the Tesseract being a doorway and mentions the idea of there being something on the other side.

The inference is that there's another part ot the Tesseract that can open a portal to it (hence Loki being able to activate it without having it and being able to teleport to its location precisely). But why would the Infinity Stone capable of granting its user the power to travel anywhere or manipulate space in any way need assistance? It shouldn't, as it's powerful enough, but because the plot required a means for Loki to teleport to it, they invented a backdoor that diluted the Space Stone's power unwittingly.


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