Avengers: Infinity War - 7 Minor Issues That Stop It Being Perfect

5. Thor's "Side Quest" Narrative

Avengers Infinity War Thor
Marvel Studios

Focal point of some of the coolest shots in the entire movie, Thor spends the final act wielding one of the most powerful weapons in the cosmos, alongside tearing swathes of foes to ribbons with copious lightning storms.

In short, it's a Norse God being a Norse God... but this comes right at the end.

Thor spends the preceding time hanging with the Guardians of the Galaxy and acquiring said weapon from a dilapidated forge. Both chunks sadly feel a touch dragged out, despite the former having pretty solid writing and chemistry between Thor and Star-Lord.

No matter how you slice it, there's just not much for Thor and the Guardians to do, other than cover ground on who Gamora is (something fans already knew), before jetting off to obtain the item and join the final battle.

One highlight is a scene where Thor shows his comedic tendencies are actually masking a completely broken individual who's lost everything on the inside. It's a supremely tender moment that could've factored into the battle at an earlier stage, had he been nearer the action beforehand.

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