Avengers: Infinity War - 7 Minor Issues That Stop It Being Perfect

3. The Occasional Tone-Breaking Joke

guardians of the galaxy

It has become a "thing" for Marvel movies to essentially be comedies, despite very rarely being marketed as such. Both Guardians 1 & 2 and Thor: Ragnarok excelled by embracing these tendencies, but Infinity War was showcased as the culmination of various plot threads in the most weighty and impactful way possible.

Character deaths/impactful moments were heavily teased, and yet, the first half of the movie pretty much treats the entire cast as comedic relief. For the most part the jokes and general levity lands nicely, showing a strong juxtaposition between the way The Avengers and heroes in general approach world-ending events, vs. the destruction they cause.

Whenever the movie wants to shift gears - like when Stark gets stabbed, for example - it really works, but other times, it can break the moment in a jarring manner.

Take Gamora's flashback scene, showing the decimation of her home planet. We go from a soberly scored, devastating look at Thanos' twisted mindset wiping out literally half of the citizens - immediately into a line from Peter Quill discussing which grenade type won't blast his nether regions into oblivion.

It's very much the same tone-breaking comedy the Guardians movies have dealt the heaviest in, but that doesn't make it especially great when sat next to visualisations of, well, genocide.

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