Avengers: Infinity War - 8 Compelling Hints Iron Man Will Die (& 4 He Won't)

2. He Might Have Some ACTUAL Avenging To Do

Avengers Infinity War Trailer Tony Holding Hand
Marvel Studios

There's another reading of those scenes from the trailer on Titan that seem to show Tony Stark giving up hope of survival: he's actually mourning. It could be that word of Cap's death comes to him at this point, or that he witnesses someone else in his new alliance die (hell, it might even be Spider-Man if everyone is protected by time travel anyway).

The point is, if Thanos breaks Tony's heart, he's in for exactly the same response that Cap and Bucky were on the end of in Civil War. That the Mandarin provoked in Iron Man 3. That the Ten Rings terrorists inspired in the first Iron Man... Fundamentally, he's a very emotional character (hence his occasionally wayward impulsiveness) who is ruled by his heart (again, the symbolism of his arc reactor is not unintentional) and it would be rather fitting that he'd be compelled to make Avengers 4 a revenge flick by something devastating.

Plus, isn't it about time we got to see the Avengers actually avenging? Infinity War's marketing campaign KNOWS this: after all, the trailer includes the line "If we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it." So what if that's pointing directly towards Tony's arc into Avengers 4?


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.