Avengers: Infinity War - 8 Compelling Hints Iron Man Will Die (& 4 He Won't)

1. He's WAY Too Valuable To Marvel Studios

Tony Stark Money, cash
Marvel Studios

While you could suggest that the $1.3bn haul of Iron Man 3 and Robert Downey Jr's increasingly outrageous pay are reasons why it would be better for Marvel to cut their losses and allow RDJ's contract to lapse lest they're forced to pay him a cool billion per appearance (or thereabouts), there's a reason Marvel are happy to pay.

When it comes to the chance to negotiate a new Marvel contract, it won't be the studio that pull out. By now, because of Downey Jr's impact on box office - not only in his own movies but with two Avengers movies, Civil War and Spider-Man: Homecoming all feathering his (and their) nest - he's the kind of brand you do not let go. Regardless of cost.

So even if we don't get an Iron Man 4, Marvel would be idiotic to pass up the chance to extend his presence in the MCU, even if it means only using him in a sort of consultancy capacity until they require him to suit up. Then they can use a stunt performer for the leg work and RDJ for the close-ups and nobody has to be concerned about his advancing age.

Sure, it can't last forever, but there is more than enough life in him and the character yet.

What do you think? Will Iron Man be killed off in Avengers: Infinity War? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.


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