Avengers: Infinity War - 8 Compelling Hints Iron Man Will Die (& 4 He Won't)

7. He Might Be Linked To The Soul Stone

Soul Stone Infinity War
Marvel Studios

Now, this is a slightly outlandish theory, but there could well be something to the idea that Tony Stark is somehow linekd to the Soul Stone, given the fact that some official artwork (which linked each Soul Stone to the Avenger most closely associated with it) seemed to imply a link to him. Specifically, that image seems to suggest that it's his arc reactor that will play a key part in the discovery of the Soul Stone - which could perhaps be explained by looking back to Stark's development of the "new" element he engineered for his power source.

It'd take some creative writing to make it work, but it's not like the other Stones aren't also entirely fantastical... And there are other theories out there suggesting that other characters could somehow be the Stone personified. So why not Tony?

If that's the case, he's unlikely to be allowed to live with Thanos on the trail of the Stone. And a heroic sacrifice (or, really, just a plain old death) as the key would suit what we know of the Soul Stone.


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