Avengers: Infinity War - 8 Compelling Hints Iron Man Will Die (& 4 He Won't)

5. There Won't Be An Iron Man 4

Iron Man 4

No matter how much you might want to see another stand-alone follow-up to Iron Man 3 - and God knows Marvel probably would given the over-$1bn box office return - it's just not that likely.

Putting aside the fact that Phase 4 is being positioned as a new beginning (well, not entirely, because there'll be continuity for newer properties) and the fact that there's enough story left in the Ten Rings arc to warrant a fourth outing, the simple fact remains: Iron Man 4 would be too expensive to justify.

Thanks to Civil War, there'd be expectations of another mini-Avengers movie among fans, Robert Downey Jr would be able to write himself any pay-check and you really have to think that it would have been announced by now. You could say that's merely Infinity Saga spoiler protection, but there are already Phase 4 sequels announced and it's not like there isn't more evidence that it won't happen.

Previously, Downey Jr was open about the possibility, but Civil War changed his tune as it became the next natural step in his personal arc and he was quite adamant that there wasn't a fourth movie in the pipeline back in 2015. Little has changed since (though he has flirted with the idea of one more), and if anything, the arrival of Black Panther to the MCU makes him a slightly redundant character (other than perhaps as a replacement for Nick Fury as the over-seer - though even then, his death makes more sense).


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