Avengers: Infinity War - 8 Compelling Hints Iron Man Will Die (& 4 He Won't)

1. The Trailers Make Him Look Doomed

Avengers Infinity War Tony Stark
Marvel Studios

You might not want to believe that any trailer would spoil something as obviously as the way Tony Stark is presented in the Infinity War trailers, but it's pretty hard to ignore the message that he looks entirely screwed in those teasers.

Everything in the Titan-set scenes make it look like Iron Man, his fellow Avengers and most of the Guardians are defeated in their encounter with Thanos, who not only drops a whole bloody moon on them but also does enough damage to Stark to ruin his new nano-tech armour. And without that protection, he's no more than a genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist on a strange planet trying to stand up to a monstrous alien with the power of at least TWO Infinity Stones in his locker.

One Stone was enough to empower the twins, bring Vision (an actual robo-Jesus) to life and mind-control Hawkeye and Dr Selvig. One Stone evaporated Red Skull. One Stone blew up the Collector's entire collection. One Stone can turn back actual time. One Stone could alter the fabric of reality. AND HE HAS TWO.

In short, without his suit and with his allies otherwise occupied dodging moon parts, there's no way Stark can survive a direct encounter with Thanos.

And now to the hints that he won't die...


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.