Avengers: Infinity War & Endgame - 10 Major NEW Reveals From The Filmmakers

3. Bucky Was Considered For New Captain America At The End Of Avengers: Endgame

Captain America Infinity War Soul Stone
Marvel Studios

In the comic books, Bucky becomes Captain America after Steve Rogers is seemingly assassinated. Despite his dark past as The Winter Soldier, he does well in the role, and remains the Marvel Universe's Captain America even after the real deal returns from the grave. However, the MCU is taking things in a different direction, and The Falcon is instead set to wield the shield.

That's not sat well with a lot of fans (even though it too happened in the comic books), but Markus has a convincing explanation as to why things didn't quite play out that way.

"Considered, but quickly dropped," he responded when asked if Marvel Studios ever actually considered having Bucky take over from his oldest friend. "Captain America is about the idealism, what we could be if we were better. Sam is that. Bucky is something else entirely."

That's likely to be explored in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier series coming to Disney+, but it is interesting to think what might have been had Bucky been chosen instead of Sam Wilson!


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.