Avengers: Infinity War - Every Character Ranked By How Likely They Are To Die

5. Nebula

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Marvel Studios

If Gamora is in danger of being killed off because of her relationship with Thanos, that counts doubly for her adoptive sister, who is currently on a quest for vengeance against her father. She wants his head and while she managed to defeat him in the Infinity Gauntlet comic arc, there's no way it's going that way here.

More likely is the fact that Nebula will be the biggest casualty on Titan, where we know she turns up thanks to the SuperBowl spot because nothing will sell Thanos' ambivalence for everything but his singular agenda for the Stones than him casually swatting her aside. He simply doesn't have the humanity that her condition would appeal to and while it would be devastating, it would be a great story-telling decision to have him murder her.

4. Loki

Thor Ragnarok Loki
Marvel Studios

Though it's easy to forget how much of a bad-ass Loki is - look back at his appearance in The Avengers where he beats up Captain America for evidence - he's eventually going to run out of luck. So far, he's got away with switching allegiances several times to suit his personal agendas or his pursuit of power, but he did make a fatal mistake along the way.

He failed Thanos.

In The Avengers, Loki promised Thanos (and The Other) that humanity would be a push-over, convincing them to hand over the Mind Stone to help his conquest of Earth in exchange for the Tesseract (and presumably the returned Mind Stone within his sceptre). Sadly, the Avengers refused to roll over and Loki was defeated, losing both Infinity Stones and complicating Thanos' plans massively.

Sure, he might hand over the Tesseract eventually in Infinity War, but you don't wrong the Titan and get away with it, so expect him to be killed for his transgression.

3. Vision

Marvel Studios

Look, if you want to really be optimistic here, there's a possibility that Shuri will manage to use her genius to remove the Mind Stone from Vision's forehead and allow to be a "real boy" somehow (probably thanks to the delightful plot convenience of Vibranium), but it still makes a lot more sense that he just dies.

Ever since he's existed, he's had a target on his head and it does look suspiciously like the Wakandan conquest is aimed at removing his head. There's no way Thanos will back down without it and even though Vision was introduced as a hugely powerful character in Age Of Ultron, he's simply not the same threat now.

Thanks to romantic distractions and becoming a little too human, he's entirely fallible and unfortunately it looks like he'll see his end in Infinity War.


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