Avengers: Infinity War - Every Missing Character (And Where They Are)

3. Valkyrie

Valkyrie Thor Ragnarok
Marvel Studios

Last Seen:

Staring down Thanos' ship along with the other Asgardian refugees at the end of Ragnarok. Like Korg and Miek, she has to have been chosen as a survivor and sent away by Thanos before he destroyed the other half of the ship.

And knowing her commitment to the right thing, she must have been incapacitated, as there's no way she would have allowed the others to suffer while she went free. Even knowing the survivors needed leadership.

Will She Be Back?

Surely she has to be - her conspicuous absence was one of the most furiously received of Infinity War and Thor needs allies now that the other heroes have been killed off. If he's not trying to find her (and his fellow survivors), he's not a very good king of Asgard, so even if she's not involved in the action, she should be in the wrap-up third act at least.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.