Avengers: Infinity War - Power Ranking Every Character

34. The Collector

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Marvel Studios

He's not fully confirmed yet, but it's very likely that Benicio Del Toro's The Collector will turn up at some point in Infinity War, as he still has one of the Stones in his possession (despite the destruction of most of his collection). That means he's got a date with destiny - and also possibly Thanos.

He might have a knack for engineering situations to suit himself, but The Collector's powers are limited to telepathy and longevity. So he might be able to avoid conflict using them and ride it out in peace until it all dies down, but he's fairly useless when it comes to ranking powers. And that's probably a good indicator of why he'll get what's coming to him for trying to collect the Stones himself when Thanos gets wind of it.

33. Okoye

Marvel Studios

Thanks to the Wakandan set sequences of Infinity War (which may centre around an Infinity Stone hidden there?), lots of Black Panther's supporting characters are set to appear (assuming it's not Yondu-like misdirection to throw people off the scent of them dying in the stand-alone). That includes Okoye, the head of T'Challa's militarised bodyguard.

She's likely to be on the front-line of the impending battle that takes place there, and while she's hugely skilled in combat, she's going to be facing an enemy with unimaginably more vast powers. And it's hard to reconcile her particular skills with fighting super-powered aliens, no matter how cool she is.


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