Avengers: Infinity War - Power Ranking Every Character
32. Shuri

We havent' seen her in action yet, but it sounds a lot like Shuri is going to be Wakanda's answer to Tony Stark, but with even more resourcefulness (thanks to her lack of his embarrassment of riches). She is said to be able to invent things out of anything she finds, which is a hell of a useful power, and she's being set up (it seems) to be another Black Panther as she was in the comics.
For Infinity War, it's unlikely we'll really get to see much of this, though, as cool as it would be. So she's probably best considered down at the bottom of the ladder (there's only so much space for everyone to share).
31. Kraglin

He's only a late addition to the Guardians Of The Galaxy, but Kraglin will be coming along with the rest of his new allies and even with the Yaka Arrow that was given to him on Yondu's death, he's probably still the least powerful member of the team.
Last we saw him, he was singularly failing to use the Arrow - which is actually powerful enough to elevate him far higher than his baseline skill-set should - and without the precise know-how of the weapon, he's unlikely to be all that much use. Also, if he can contorl the Arrow fully, he could probably kill the entire Black Order wiht a few whistles, so it's unlikely he'll have mastered it.
Expect him to be comedy relief again.