Avengers: Infinity War - Predicting All 67 Characters

47. Vision

Vision's an unknown commodity in the MCU - his creation veered from comic convention and his role in Captain America: Civil War is open for debate - although his almost God-like status means he'll certainly be making it through to Infinity War. Of course, things might not end too happy for him - he's got one of those Infinity Stones in his skull, so will be a direct target of Thanos (and may even be the death that gets the Avengers assembling once more).

46. Scarlet Witch

A new, unique character, there's a lot of potential going forward with Scarlet Witch - although some of her best stories are impossible due to the lack of the X-Men in the MCU, the core ideas behind them are still enticing. It's thus highly likely she'll become an increasingly key character in the Avengers roster going forward. The only real question mark over her is whether she'll make it through Civil War - she's been muted in much of the advertising, although that may be for other purposes.

45. Black Widow

Black Widow's here to stay - one of the MCU's most versatile characters, able to work as both a special ops assassin and smasher-up of robots while playing off every Avenger in a unique way, Scarlett Johansson's Natasha Romanoff is an absolute fan favourite. And while Marvel may not be quite ready to give her her own film, they'd be stupid to not include her in any other movie possible, if only to show off a new hairstyle.

44-43. Hawkeye (And His Wife)

Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye has slowly evolved from being the most boring member of The Avengers to a solid, reliable hero - he's nobody's favourite (despite Joss Whedon's best efforts), but he's always there with his bow to fill out the numbers. And, after the effort put into expanding his character in Age Of Ultron, it'd be rather odd if he was killed off before Infinity War (after that, though, all bets are off). Speaking of which, don't be surprised if Linda Cardellini returns briefly to reprise her role as Laura Barton.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.