Avengers: Infinity War - Predicting All 76 Characters

37. Heimdall (Idris Elba)

Thor Heimdall Idris Elba
Marvel Studios

Status: Unconfirmed

The former protector of the Bifrost is so far unconfirmed, but like Valkyrie, Korg and Miek he's on the Asgardian refugee freighter and leaving him out of Infinity War will leave an unnecessarily unanswered question that the Russos would be silly to leave open.

So expect to see him at least in the opening act before he too follows the survivors elsewhere. There's surely no way he'd be killed off in the same sort of throwaway fashion as the Warriors Three were at the start of Ragnarok, is there?!

36. Dr. Erik Selvig (Stellan Skarsgard)

Marvel Studios

He's not really one of the first names you'd expect to see in Infinity War, but Stellan Skarsgard has previously confirmed that he's set to reappear.

Presumably, since he's the go-to guy for explaining things in a psuedo-scientific way, he'll be the one to explain HOW the Infinity Stones work and why Thanos wants them. And since he's now located at the new Avengers facility, that's likely where we'll see him - possibly just pottering around in the background.

35. Jane Foster (Natalie Portman)

Thor The Dark World Jane Foster
Marvel Studios

Status: Unconfirmed

It might get slightly awkward now that Thor has a new girlfriend, but Natalie Portman's Jane Foster needs to reappear before the end of Chris Hemsworth's contract to give her character the closure she has so far been completely robbed of.

Even a cameo would give her some justice (assuming it didn't lead to her immediately being smushed by Black Dwarf or something). She won't appear as long as Thor remains off-planet (unless Selvig needs to consult her), but if there's one thing Pepper Potts' reappearance in Spider-Man: Homecoming confirmed, it's that there's always a chance of an unexpected cameo.


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