Batgirl Movie: 10 Directors To Replace Joss Whedon

8. Dee Rees

Mudbound Dee Rees

Dee Rees is one hell of a filmmaking talent, with her acclaimed features Pariah, Bessie and last year's Mudbound cementing her as a remarkable filmmaking voice for predominantly female stories.

Mudbound is Netflix's first film to earn the streaming platform major Academy Awards attention, which absolutely shouldn't go unnoticed as the hunt for Batgirl's new director begins.

We know that Rees seems to enjoy superhero movies - Black Panther, at least, which she called "the best Marvel movie Marvel’s ever made" - so this would certainly be an interesting turn for her career to take.

How Likely Is It?: A superhero film would be totally antithetical to Rees' grounded prior films - not to mention her deference towards telling black stories - but that doesn't mean she wouldn't do it.

The success of Mudbound is a major tick in the win column, and considering how few women-of-colour are working in the tentpole arena - that's almost zero, by the way - there's a lot of incentive, for a number of reasons, for the studio to pull the trigger here. It just might happen. 6/10

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.