Batgirl Movie: 10 Directors To Replace Joss Whedon

3. Julia Ducournau

Julia Ducournau Raw
Focus World

If the studio wants to opt for an edgier, riskier pick, there's arguably no better choice than Julia Ducournau, who earned major acclaim last year for her controversial horror film Raw.

Though the film is best-known for its disturbing, grounded examination of cannibalism, it was at its core a feminist story about sexual awakening and saw lead Garance Marillier deliver one of the year's most brilliantly disarming performances.

Despite recent efforts by Warner Bros. to make the DCEU lighter in tone, its core mood is still far grittier than the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and to that end giving audiences a tough, hard-edged Barbara Gordon could be just the jolt the flagging franchise needs.

How Likely Is It?: Not very, sadly. Wonder Woman's success as a lighter affair will basically push Warner Bros. to create more movies in a similar tonal vein, and as such it's hard to imagine Ducournau swinging from making Raw to something with its edges mostly planed off. It'd be awesome to see, though. 1/10

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.