Batman: 10 Best Batmobiles Outside Of The Comics

8. Val Kilmer Batmobile - Batman Forever (1995)

Batman 1960s Batmobile
Warner Bros. Pictures

Speaking of style over substance...

The Joel Schumacher era of Batman films was more than a little bit different to Tim Burton's before it. Val Kilmer was the one to take over the cowl from Michael Keaton, and with a goofier, more slapstick tone came a Batmobile that resembled a full-sized Hot Wheels car.

Okay, so I'm being a bit unfair here. The design of this vehicle is pleasingly sleek and streamlined, and with its bat-symboled hubcaps and collapsible bat wing fin on the roof, it definitely evokes the creatures that Batman tries so hard to embody.

Buuuut... it could kind of do without that tacky light-up interior. Appearance aside, it's also clearly not as robust as its Tim Burton predecessor, since Riddler is able to blow it up using only a couple of tiny explosives.

And that's not even mentioning how easy it apparently is for Robin to steal it and take it on a joyride around Gotham.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.