Batman 1989 Movie Cast - Where Are They Now?

7. William Hootkins - Max Eckhardt

Batman 1989 Spider-Man Homecoming Michael Keaton
Warner Bros.

William Hootkins will be undeniably best known forever more for his instantly iconic role as Porkins in the original Star Wars, though he also turned in memorable work in Batman '89 as corrupt GCPD cop Max Eckhardt.

Over a three-decade career, Hootkins racked up an impressive 125 screen acting and voiceover credits across TV, film, video games, and radio.

After Batman, he had major roles in films Hardware, Like Father, Like Santa, and Hear My Song, and brilliantly voiced the villain Dingodile in the third Crash Bandicoot game, Warped.

But Hootkins enjoyed a major career resurgence in 2003 when he played Alfred Hitchcock in Terry Johnson's hit play Hitchcock Blonde, opposite Rosamund Pike.

Sadly, initial plans to take the show to Broadway were scuppered when the actor was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, which caused his death at the age of just 57 in 2005.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.