Batman: 8 Reasons Affleck Must Make Arkham Asylum (& 3 He Shouldn't)

1. Too Many Villains Spoil The Broth

Batman Villains
DC Comics

If there's one thing Spider-Man 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 have taught us one over-riding lesson, it's that adding too many villains for the sake of falsely escalated drama is a bad idea.

Whether those films struggled because of poor directing decisions or because trying to convince fans to split their hatred across too many villains is a fundamentally flawed approach remains to be seen. But it's a dangerous precedent to try and second guess in a film that needs to be a home-run.

As much as the fanboy in me wants to see all of Batman's rogues' gallery at once, you have to wonder whether cameos would really be satisfying enough. And then there's the concern that spreading too many characters too thin in a limited run-time would do little beyond compromising the impact of the more important pillars of the story.

Batman Arkham Asylum Scarecrow

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.