Batman: Every Live-Action Robin Ranked From Worst To Best

3. Curran Walters - Jason Todd (Titans)

Robin Burt Ward Chris O'Donnell Brenton Thwaites
Warner Bros. Television

The leap between Chris O'Donnell and Curran Walters here should be noted right away as pretty tall one that Batman himself would need a grappling hook for.

Titans had a lot of pressure with this role, as a lot was riding on this performance. Jason Todd was one of the most prominent characters from the Bat-Family to have never graced the screen, and this was his first chance, so it had to go well. It's safe to say Walters did a great job with the role, as he felt like a sparky young upstart who could explode at any minute.

This Jason Todd revelled in the fighting and chaos the role of Robin brought him, which captured just how violent and impulsive Jason was. This was a Boy Wonder who had a troubled past and was packed to the brim with trauma and darkness, making him a more askew glance at what Robin could be. This helped the character stand out from other incarnations of the Boy Wonder.

His time in Titans also gave him plenty of character development, with horror, death, and redemption all rolled into a strong character arc.


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