Batman: Every Main Live-Action Movie Suit Ranked

8. Batman Forever (1995)

Batman Costumes
Warner Brothers

The outfit Val Kilmer sported in his turn as Bats is similar to Clooney's in many ways, but somehow the issues with it all feel less egregious. The nipples are present, but they don't look as prominent on screen. In addition, the Bat symbol at least has some color to it. The suit has a rubbery look, but is still menacing. The gadgets and abilities of Kilmer's suit are a bit better, too. One of the most useful parts of this iteration is the capability the cape has to shield against fire. Other than those aspects, however, the suit is problematic.

This version of the Batsuit doesn't fit particularly well within the film it appears in. The style of the costume is far more serious than the tone presented throughout Batman Forever. The Caped Crusader's appearance is of a much higher quality than that of his foes, which makes him feel out of place. It's a relatively decent suit in a disappointing film.


Grant Bullert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.