Batman: Every Main Live-Action Movie Suit Ranked

7. Batman (1989)

Batman Costumes
Warner Bros.

Michael Keaton was the first Dark Knight to appear on the big screen in roughly 20 years, and the character returned in remarkable fashion. The intimidating black suit with tall ears ushered in a new era of the Bat. This was a Batman to be feared by all; even the silhouette was menacing to behold.

Apart from the look, this suit also protected Bruce against gunfire, although he was still knocked over from the force of the bullets. The armor also had potential to harm attackers who used their bodies against Gotham's Defender. In addition, the utility belt offered many gadgets that could be rotated by a motorized track, although the belt itself looked rather bland.

Not everything about the suit was great. It was very restrictive in what movements were allowed, most notably it prevented Bruce from being able to turn his neck. The Bat symbol is also incredibly bright, considering this version of Bats likes to hide in the shadows. Those issues were not enough to stop Bruce from taking down the criminals he came across, though.


Grant Bullert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.