Batman Film Reboot: 5 Ways It Can Top Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy

2. Expanding The DC Universe

character_bio_576_justiceleague1 Let's be honest here, whatever your thoughts on Man Of Steel, can you honestly tell me that you weren't just a little excited by the numerous Easter eggs for a future Justice League film? This is of course a fundamental aspect Nolan decided to steer well clear of. His world was set in 'reality' and Batman was the only superhero that exists, well the reboot has the chance to change all that for the better. Whilst certainly not an easy task, the idea of putting Batman alongside the rest of the Justice League on film would reach nerdgasm proportions equivalent to which the Avengers performed. Comic book characters have never been so popular and they are ruling Hollywood at the moment. To not make a Justice League based on the Avengers success would be idiotic, I just hope it's done right. Putting aside the JLA for a moment, the other numerous possibilities that an open DC universe now has for Batman are extremely exciting. Fans of the famous boy wonder Robin are eager to see the character done justice on film, and with multiple Robins to choose from it could make a very interesting story. My personal choice for that direction would be Under the Red Hood. However, if Batman is resigned to working by himself again for the reboot, no complaints here, there are again a plethora of excellent Batman stories to be told to introduce/revisit other DC characters. If I could speak selfishly for a moment, one personal favorite storyline that could be set up through Batman and other JLA member's films could be the superb Tower Of Babel storyline. Which could well turn out to be the plot for the new JLA film, or at least set over the course of a trilogy. This would also make perfect sense for this new reboot as Batman will be wholly unfamiliar with these new super powered beings showing up everywhere, he would naturally try and figure out all their individual weaknesses if they ever went rogue- which is the basic premise of the Tower Of Babel story if you haven't heard of it before. Giving the audience a whole new universe for Batman to explore will present us with the opportunity to see a fresh perspective on how Batman could fit in this world. We want to see something different right? Well an expanded universe will guarantee that for the better.
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Aspiring movie reviewer, scriptwriter and director. Basically an all round movie fanatic! Also a Batman obsessive along with a strong passion for sport (mainly football of course), comics and games.