Batman & Robin: 10 Reasons It's Criminally Underrated

7. It Is Not The Worst Comic Book Movie Ever Made

2 Despite Batman and Robin working as a cautionary tale, there have been a few movies after its release that didn€™t get the memo. For my money, Ang Lee€™s Hulk or the abysmal Green Lantern were both far worse movies. For one thing, they have less on an excuse. Batman and Robin had been released and everyone around them managed to use it as a thing to avoid, but Hulk and the Green Lantern fell right in to the pitfalls Batman and Robin had so obviously laid out, as well as failing in a few ways even Batman and Robin didn€™t manage to do. Aside from this, I find both of them to be much less enjoyable movies. Of all Batman and Robin€™s problems, the pacing is actually decent (which I could not say about Hulk or The Green Lantern). Both those movies were tediously dull on top of being seriously bad. If nothing else, Batman and Robin is entertaining, which is the main reason people go to see superhero movies. Hulk and The Green Lantern didn€™t even manage to do that.
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Mary spends more time watching movies, TV, and reading comics than she spends doing schoolwork. She hopes that somehow this will lead her to success anyways. Mary hopes to work in the entertainment industry when she actually manages to get a job.