Batman: The Killing Joke Review - 5 Ups And 6 Downs

2. The Joker Has A Song (And It's Awesome)
Batman The Killing Joke Joker

As The Joker is subjecting Commissioner Gordon to his demented fun-house in order to prove that anyone can be turned mad by "one bad day", he decides to perform a song and dance routine to try and push Gordon over the edge.

Cue an outrageous 90 seconds of The Joker mincing around with his minions in front of Gordon, singing a tune that promotes insanity, full of zingers such as "life is swell in a padded cell" and "you can trade your gloom for a padded room and injections twice a day".

As if that wasn't bad enough, while the song plays out, Gordon is transported down a hallway of images showing off a naked, bloody Barbara after the Clown Prince of Crime has had his way with her. It's grim, but appropriately so, and Mark Hamill does a fantastically off-the-wall job with the singing.



Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.