Batman V Superman: 10 Big Questions We Still Have No Answers For

7. Where Does Kryptonite Come From In This Universe?

Superman's Achilles' Heel - being as weak as a baby whilst in close proximity to glowing green kryptonite - is well-documented and ingrained into everyday knowledge. But when the trailers for Batman V Superman shoehorned in a quick scene of Lex Luthor admiring a glowing green rock, there wasn't immediate understanding; where did that come from? Knowing where this source of kryptonite comes from in this new DC cinematic universe is a valid question. Man Of Steel clearly showed the destruction of Krypton so the chances of getting some kryptonite from its home planet seem a bit remote. A number of theories have been thrown around, ranging from a crashed kryptonite meteor to Zod having some in his back pocket when he landed. A good and realistically plausible explanation going around is that this block of kryptonite is artificial and Luthor had it synthesised after cutting open Zod's body and learning all there is to know about Kryptonians. This would explain how Luthor seems to have power over Superman and how he intends to be the third wheel in the Batman and Superman battle.

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