Batman V Superman: 10 Big Questions We Still Have No Answers For

6. How Does Wonder Woman Fit Into The Story?

After many failed attempts at getting Wonder Woman up on the big or little screen, Diana Prince will finally make her big-screen debut as the potential fourth wheel to the Batman V Superman vs. Lex Luthor clash. Lex Luthor may have grounded and plausible reasons for wanting to butt heads with Superman and Batman, how exactly does a super-powered Amazonian princess have a stake in this conflict? The trailers haven't revealed anything in relation to Diana's motivations, but what we can guess is that Diana gets herself involved in the film's central conflict when she becomes the target for Bruce Wayne's affections and that she will go into battle with her arsenal of signature weapons. With many questions and few answers, one can only speculate what her deal is. Does Wonder Woman reveal herself because some super-powered guys have forced her to step in as some sort of referee? Or maybe the whole film is actually a DC superhero love triangle between Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman? Wonder Woman's role in the film is an important one as fan reception will determine how the character will be handled in the future plans of the DC cinematic universe, but fans seem to have ignored all the big questions in favour of focusing on only one thing about the character so far: Gal Gadot is not buff enough to be Wonder Woman!

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