Batman V Superman: 10 Easter Eggs That Would Rule

2. Brainiac

Rumour has it that Brainiac will be the lead villain in the first Justice League movie. Apparently, the same beacon which drew General Zod to Earth will do the same for this classic Superman foe, leading to a clash with the superhero team. A lot of fans have assumed that Darkseid would be the first threat they face, but it makes more sense in some ways to save him for the second part and to use the first to build up to his eventual arrival. Brainiac would be a good way of achieving that and could be teased in a variety of ways in Batman v Superman. An after-credits scene of his ship closing in on Earth is one example, but Lex Luthor's interactions with the villain in Grant Morrison's baffling Action Comics run could also be a good place to turn to for inspiration when it comes to teasing his presence in Justice League. Based on the movie's title, expect to see some sort of set up.
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