Batman V Superman: 10 Most Important Things It Has To Get Right

3. A Different Tone To Marvel

Man of Steel's tone was a weird mixture of what moviegoers have come to expect from both Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder's movies, so it's essential that Batman V Superman find its own singular voice which will help to shape everything that follows this release as part of the DC Cinematic Universe. Crucially, Warner Bros. needs to avoid trying to follow too closely in the footsteps of Marvel, instead creating something which can rival rather than imitate them. It's been said that the plan is for these movies to be darker and more realistic than Marvel's output, so hopefully they will run with that. Whether it's more violence (see: Superman breaking General Zod's neck in Man Of Steel) or a distinct lack of the kind of humour which made The Avengers such a riot, Batman V Superman has a lot riding on it to show fans what to expect from the Justice League and beyond, and needs to make them care too.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.