Batman V Superman: 10 Other Movie Mashups We’d Love To See

9. Godzilla V King Kong

Avengers Vs Justice League
New Line Cinema, Paramount

Obviously this one is kind of a cheat as Godzilla and King Kong have already met, but that was back in 1962, when CGI wasn't as good, and Andy Serkis hadn't even been born. So this would have to be a reboot. 

"New is always better" and all that.

Just like any good boxing rivalry, it's time for a grudge match. Last time the two mega beasts met, they fought on Mount Fuji, Godzilla's home turf. This time, Godzilla should make the journey from Japan or the Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands to Skull Island, somewhere west of Sumatra. 

Obviously Godzilla wasn't created until the end of the second world war, and that King Kong met his doom in 1933, but that's a workable issue. And when in doubt, you can always just radiation blast Godzilla back in time.

This will surely be a case of "this island ain't big enough for the both of us".


Angus Saul hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.