Batman V Superman: 10 Positives For The Future Of The DCEU

6. Interesting Threads Are Left Open For Others


Given how badly the movie, Goyer and Snyder screwed up the character of Lex, perhaps it's a blessed relief that they left some stuff pretty vague and open ended.

Most notably, the presence in the Batcave of Robin's suit defaced by the Joker's graffiti was made a feature of much of the movie's pre-release publicity but made no more appearance in the finished movie than as a piece of set dressing. Many people were disappointed by this, but it's actually one of the better pieces of set-up for later material, something a little more subtly done than Lex's secret files of metahumans.

What this, and other open-ended threads - like Batman's references to the Joker, Wonder Woman's seeming retirement from superheroics and The Flash's possible time travelling - achieve is to give the makers of those characters' solo features something to play with. But in a way that isn't too binding that they can't do what they like with the material.

Ayer's Suicide Squad will be the first DCEU movie not made by Goyer and Snyder, Batman V Superman has set up The Joker as a figure that leaves emotional trauma in his wake. It's up to Ayer to take it from there.

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