Batman V Superman: 10 Reasons It's Not As Bad As The Critics Are Saying

9. It Might Take Its Time, But It Isn't Boring

One of the biggest criticisms that seems to have been thrown at Batman v Superman is that it's boring: that what happens on screen is consistently dull and uninteresting, and that most reviewers couldn't wait for this lumbering mess of a movie to come to an end.

Batman v Superman isn't a particularly well-paced film, that's true, but it's also equally true that it never becomes slow enough to be boring. Towards the end of the movie, you might have caught yourself saying, "Okay, time for this battle to end," but that's the only part of Batman v Superman that really threatens to bore (mainly because it just consists of super-powered people hitting one another for twenty-five minutes).

If you have no affinity for Batman or Superman or superheroes in general, one could understand why this film might cause your attention to drift. If you're a comic book movie fan, though, there's no real chance that Snyder's film will bore you - quite simply, there's too much happening - be it bad, good or weird - to allow for that.

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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.