Batman V Superman: 10 Reasons It's Not As Bad As The Critics Are Saying

7. It Isn't A Completely Joyless Experience

It might shock you to discover that, given the nature of the reviews, it's actually possible to sit down and have fun with Batman v Superman.

Critics have attacked Zack Snyder's film for being down on itself and totally without joy, beaten into submission by way of the same dreary colour palette that the director employed on Man on Steel. Whilst Batman v Superman does have a murky aesthetic for much of its runtime, though, it still doesn't mean for a second that the movie isn't fun.

There are loads of great and exciting moments scattered throughout Batman v Superman, like the one that sees Batman going up against a bunch of goons to rescue Martha Kent (showcasing the awesome Bat-based hand-to-hand combat that Christopher Nolan never managed to pull off), or the explosive, badass Batmobile chase sequence.

Truth is, if you want to have fun with Batman v Superman, you will: the critics have pegged the movie as something that is so dark and gloomy that it's wholly draining, but it's still possible for the film to be an entertaining ride if you're willing to give it a chance.

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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.