Batman V Superman: 10 Reasons It's Not As Bad As The Critics Are Saying

6. It Looks Dark, But It's Still Visually Stunning

Yes, Batman v Superman - at times - looks as though it's been shot with a camera that automatically ensures all the images are made 40% darker than they should be, and there are moments of visual ugliness scattered throughout (especially during the final battle) that will have you trying to make sense of what is actually going on.

But the rest of the film looks absolutely fantastic, and it's hard to fault Zack Snyder as a visual stylist when his movies come out looking as beautiful as they do. That's right: despite all the stuff you've heard about Batman v Superman being dank, muddy and generally horrible to look at for the length of its runtime, it really isn't.

There are some wonderful compositions and images in this film, like the ones glimpsed during the opening credits when Bruce Wayne's parents are killed, many of which have been taken directly from real comic book panels. In fact, the whole film - like Snyder's underrated adaptation of Watchmen - feels like a comic book rendered in film.

Batman v Superman is a dark vision, and so it makes sense for the film to indulge in a moody aesthetic. But don't be fooled into thinking what Snyder has rendered is going to do damage to your eyes, because it won't. See it on the biggest screen possible!

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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.