Batman V Superman: 10 Reasons It's Not As Bad As The Critics Are Saying

5. The Fight Between Batman & Superman Is Better Than Average

No, it's not amazing and it's not going to go down as one of the greatest fights in cinema history, but the way the critics have been writing of the film's central confrontation, you'd have thought that Batman had just slapped Superman on the cheek and - having realised they were wrong to fight - the pair simply shook hands and decided to call it a day.

The main battle between Batman and Superman is a little disappointing because that was always going to be the case. How could it ever live up to three years of hype and expectation (or longer, if you've been dreaming about seeing these two face off since you were a kid)? There's no way it could've been as good as it was in our heads.

For what it's worth, though, the showdown is still a blast.

Batman employs a tactic that allows him to render Superman as a far weaker version of himself, and the two proceed to smash each other through walls and columns for fifteen minutes. It's a thrilling experience and there are some really cool moments (one of which involves a sink) in and amongst all the punches, too. Great? No. Good? Definitely!

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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.