Batman V Superman: 12 Movies You Won't Believe Were Better Reviewed

8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - The Secret Of The Ooze

20th Century Fox
20th Century Fox
Score: 33%

Yet another panned comic book movie adaptation, yet another higher critical score than Batman V Superman.

The Secret Of The Ooze is a legitimately numb-headed movie, populated by cartoonish characters, a woeful pantomime villain, an improbable (temporary) rise from the dead and rubber costumes with silly faces. So, all the same as Batman v Superman, then: though the rubber turtle heads are far, far more human than that God-awful Zod dummy.

Why It Did Better

Again, it's probably because it's fun and doesn't take itself seriously, which critics often admire in bad films. There's nothing worse than a terrible film that thinks it's clever and is needlessly glum.

The Lesson For Warner Bros

Maybe lighten up? Or, more importantly, heed the warning of the Turtles sequels' diminishing returns and stop sticking with the wrong creative leader.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.