Batman V Superman: 12 Movies You Won't Believe Were Better Reviewed

5. The Human Centipede

Six Entertainment
Six Entertainment
Score: 49%

A whole 20% critical difference might as well be an infinite gap, given the fact that the Human Centipede is literally a film about sewing people's mouths to other people's bottoms. If that isn't the BARE minimum bench-mark you should be aiming for with a blockbuster, there's something wrong.

Why It Did Better

Shock factor? Commitment to the material no matter how silly it was? It's probably a little of both, and it certainly helped that The Human Centipede aimed squared at doing something unexpected and establishing itself as an impact film in the simplest sense.

In that respect, it did what Batman v Superman should be done - what it actually promised to do from the moment the premise was teased. The fact that too much was built around it to distract from that heart was its biggest problem for a lot of people.

The Lesson For Warner Bros

People literally enjoyed watching people being force-fed excrement more than Zack Snyder's work. Seriously, do something about that, yeah?


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