Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - 8 Reasons Why The New Trailer Kills All Hope For The Film

5. Dumbsday

So, it turns out Michael Shannon wasn't trolling after all when he said he was involved in Batman V Superman with flippers for hands - as has been popularly rumoured for a while, the film with climax with the DC Trinity going to go up against Doomsday, in this continuity a unholy mutation of General Zod engineered by Lex Luthor. I'm going to say it again - urgh. Seriously, this is a f*cking stupid idea on just about every level. From a design standpoint it's not just a strange bastardisation of the character (yes, he looks like the Cave Troll from Fellowship), but he literally looks dumb, like he's a grunt henchman with none of the intelligence. And even he'd turn his stubby nose up at not only shoehorning a whole other key sub-plot and villain into an already overstuffed movie, but then removing pretty much any element of surprise by revealing it here (something that admittedly likely only happened to stop all our feverous speculating). I'm not too upset about the alteration to Doomsday's origin - he was a character created simply to kill Superman, everything else came after. If anything, having him be a creature produced for that same explicit purpose in-universe adds a nice bit of metatextuality to the film. But did everything have to be so poorly handled. Doomsday? More like Dumbsday.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.