Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - 8 Reasons Why The New Trailer Kills All Hope For The Film

4. Recreating Man Of Steel

If they hadn't already seen their two previous attempts at a cinematic universe shot down (Christopher Nolan resolutely capped off his Batman trilogy and Green Lantern was an embarrassment for all involved), you have to imagine Warner Bros. would have just let Man Of Steel lie. Its box office was fine enough, but hardly enough to make it a success, while the tepid critical reaction was only accentuated by polarising fan opinion. And, with little in the way of wider-universe references (bar a couple of cheeky Batman and LexCorp nods), it would have been easy to just pretend it was a one-off. But as waiting another few years to start their own MCU equivalent would mean DC was too behind, here we are with Man Of Steel 2. And boy are they doing their best to account for that misfire. The Comic-Con trailer already showed that we were going to be seeing the Battle of Metropolis again (dozens were killed, apparently), this time from Bruce Wayne's perspective, but the new trailer reveals it's not just a quick motivational flashback - on top of saving a little girl, we're going to see much of Supes' fight with Zod recreated from street level (albeit with much less murky visuals). Look, I kinda appreciate that they're addressing Man Of Steel's fundamental narrative issues, but to lean so much on it is just going to kick things off on a very sour note. Especially when the finale looks to be repeating that same "urgh, really" destruction porn action.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.