Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - 8 Reasons Why The New Trailer Kills All Hope For The Film

3. The Religious Parallels Are Back

Guys, you know what the superhero genre needs more of? God metaphors. You see, these guys are modern myths, so we should blah blah blah. Yes, it's this again... urgh. Man Of Steel was full of christ imagery, to the point where it became clear Zack Snyder simply doesn't understand what the word "subtext" means, but he's only ramping it up for his dreary smackdown; "If man won't kill God, the devil will do it," screams Lex Luthor as he creates Zodsday. Great. Just great. There's nothing wrong with drawing upon classical iconography when constructing a new story - Batman has done that countless times as a franchise itself - but this same old Superman/Jesus schtick is getting a bit tired and is really holding back the character, ensuring that no matter how gritty the image or brooding the narrative, Clark Kent is stuck being the generic wholesome hero. Aside from how worn it is though, the whole idea doesn't even really fit with the neck-snapping, taunting version of Kal-El we've got here; in fact, Snyder seems petrified of realising the traditional boy scout persona, so why his movie is going so deep into this parallel territory is beyond me. Maybe he's more Old Testament now (or perhaps a Greek style God, tying into the alleged mythic nature of the DCEU), but, whatever the case, can it not be done with some finesse?

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.