Batman V Superman: 34 Easter Eggs & References You Must See

25. 1938

Laurence Fishburne's Perry White has gone through quite a development between the two films: while he was prickly in the first film, he was one of the film's moral hearts and was presented as a fundamentally likeable character. In Batman V Superman, he's basically a J Jonah Jameson-like dick, no doubt struggling with the death of the print media. At one point he actually refers to how the industry has changed when he's trying to get Clark Kent to cover a football game rather than seeking the truth behind the Batman vigilante problem. He tells Clark it's "not 1938 anymore", imagining a golden age for hacks, but also referring to Superman's debut year, when Action Comics #1 hit shelves.
At another point in the film, White also refers to Clark as Smallville, which is an obvious reference in itself.
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Easter Eggs
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