Batman V Superman: 34 Easter Eggs & References You Must See
26. The Bible References
Despite hopes that we wouldn't be getting another horribly unsubtle SUPERMAN IS JESUS message, Batman V Superman lathered on the messianic metaphors. Lex Luthor and the senate basically represent the Romans' "trial of Jesus" and his subsequent crucifixion, there are definite flashes of the contradiction of superheroes and belief in God (including at the hearing), and there are countless images that hammer home the idea of Superman being a holy saviour. The sight of him slowly descending from the sky, framed in light that was shown in the trailer was about as Jesus-y as they come. When the film is pushing that image (and setting up the morality/science/religion threeway battle of ideologies), there are two moments taken directly from the comics. The shot of Jesus surrounded by adoring "fans" after he saves the victim in Juarez feels like a recreation of this page from Superman: Peace On Earth. And the shot of Superman rescuing stranded flood victims harks back to a very similar moment in Superman:The Man of Steel #18, which also sees the return of Doomsday.