Batman V Superman: 5 Major Revelations From The Costume Designer

3. This Wonder Woman Is Gritty And Battle-Scarred, With Threads To Prove It

Wonder Woman doesn't have any major, modern alternative incarnation to draw from, so Wilkinson was pretty much gunning from a blank slate. In a sense that probably made her a trickier prospect, especially given that the character's outlandish origins are a little at odds with the tone Snyder's aiming for (big, gnarly and fairly realist). The director constructed a precise thematic through-line for both costume and character:
"Zack wanted our character to be a fierce and intimidating warrior €” gritty, battle-scarred and immortal."
I'm not sure how one renders a costume immortal, but on the other two fronts it's a success. The darker tones, underlined by bronzed metal and restrained leather definitely give the character a more grounded feel, and it's balanced to fit the athletic shape of actress Gal Gadot - leaving her believably primed for battle. When she's dressed in such a pragmatic but striking fashion, it becomes much easier to accept the Amazonian battle-axe as a legitimate cog in this world. It's a classic example of how costume design can both make and break a character, and alienate or captivate an audience. On a less overt note, Wilkinson also stated that the heroine's weapons are subtly brushed with Greek script. So keep your eyes peeled!.
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Writer, cinephile and owner of Vampire's Kiss on DVD. Take from that what you will.